I first came across this poem, when it was put up on the wall of an office I worked at by (I am guessing) Demir Mahmutćehajić , and which followed us and Massoud Shadjareh and our other friends to Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997. It is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the oppressed. A reminder of the patience and obstinacy of the oppressed in the face of annihilation. A reminder that truth and justice will always prevail.
This was recorded in 2020 originally, whilst various lockdowns were on. The three of us: myself, Demir and Dr. Ramzy Baroud, recording on our devices from three different countries. Of course we bring our heritages of India, Bosnia and Palestine into the fore, but then and now, this is a universal message.
Now though, more than ever, it is another clarion among many, that #PalestineWillBeFree and, that there will be, absolutely will be, justice and accountability.
The Excerpt read is as follows:
From ‘Message’ by Mak Dizdar, reflecting on grave stones of Bosnian ancestors, written in the 1960s.
And secret and sly like a Western spy
You’ll burn my home
Till all
And then you’ll say these dark words
This nest is done for now
This cursed cur
Is slain
With pain
But by a miracle I will still dream, be here, on earth
And from afar
I’ll let it be told
This truth of mine
And old.