Why are the Board of Deputies maligning an interfaith initiative to achieve peace and justice in Palestine asks Arzu Merali?
Around the world on day 2 (see Mick Napier’s video from Day 2 below). In summary, everyone who goes to Iran is suspect; Iranians are anti-Jewish; the background to a photo from South Lebanon is incriminating; complaining about an antisemite is antisemitism; explaining how certain ideas are antisemitic is also antisemitism.
As Mick Napier says, day two got crazier and the case against Revd Dr. Sizer is being shown to be feeble.
I refer to yesterday’s post about the Towards a New Liberation Theology conference of 2005 which appears to have featured again today in the interview with the former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Jonathan Arkush. As far as crazy goes, maligning an event that brings together Jews, Muslims and Christians to discuss theological concepts of justice, liberation, Solidarity and rapprochement is an extreme low.
Neither Revd. Sizer or any of the other attendees like Archmandrite Attallah Hanna, Professor Ilan Pappe, Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Dr. Ghada Ramahi and indeed Rima Fakhry whose attendance has been maligned the most.