
It’s still racism: Letters to some leaders post-GE15

In the wake of the shock Tory victory in the UK elections, Arzu Merali of the Islamic Human Rights Commission reflects on the problems of “British” political culture in a series of letters to some of the winners and losers. Dear Ed*, Commiserations. I didn’t vote Labour (not that it made a difference), as my incumbent

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Enduring Hierarchies of Power: On Islamophobia Today

In the lead up to this year’s edition of the Islamophobia Awards, to be held this Friday, Arzu Merali offers some reflections on what the fight against Islamophobia entails today. Whether it is advocacy against imperialist, colonial wars, or activism against anti-terror laws, or studying hate crime and discrimination, the naming and

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Making the murder law: the media after the Duggan inquest

My thoughts, 5 days after the Duggan inquest conclusion, revisited  The following was written five days after the jury in the Mark Duggan inquest returned a conclusion that Duggan was lawfully killed by the Metropolitan Police despite being unarmed.  It reviews the response in the media – there is more to say

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Related: Read Ashura and the Misappropriated Poppy

The misappropriation of the Great War is something we should all resist, argues Arzu Merali, particularly the trend to equate remembrance day with Islamic history. Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps, And builded parapets and trenches there. And stretched forth the knife to slay his son. When lo! an

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Ottomania and the continuing conceits of Empire

Arzu Merali reviews the series fronted by Rageh Omaar. The Ottomans: Muslim Emperors of Europe on BBC2 finished last Sunday.  As one tweet put it: Three hours isn’t much to cover half a millennium of politics but still much more than has been hitherto given to the subject on mainstream British TV.

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Turkey: Shattered Dreams and Neo-Ottoman Nightmares

Arzu Merali reflects on the Gezi Park protests, the Arab Spring and the contradictions of the role of Turkey in Muslim geopolitics.* The moon is full and rising over Fatih, as we sit atop Saray restaurant, waiting for kebab, tea and ice cream.  A chill is in the March air and the

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Violence on Muslims is never acknowledged

Arzu Merali of the Islamic Human Rights Commission says that anti-Muslim violence is often ignored.* I woke up this morning to news that at least two mosques had been attacked. This is the UK post-Woolwich, but it could be the UK post-anything in my experience. It hasn’t only been the 9/11 or

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